How do you become consistent with your blog life?


How do you become consistent with your blog life? 

For me writing a blog was never an idea of mine I have never been good at writing my grammar is awful but I've always been intrigued with how blogs look! No, I think the idea of doing my blog as The daily life of her was not necessarily to be confined into one category but actually into multiple I'm not married never had a baby or owned a home or even owned a dog but I am a 26-year-old has done quite a lot of stuff in my time and that is what I wanna share with you so the main tip that I have to be consistent is treating it like it's a diary! Make it feel like you are ranting about the things you love the things that make you feel! you can write anything that makes you feel a certain way you write about it!

This is me I am she I am Lauren.

One of the main things that I've always struggled with is consistency. I am a creative person so I can draw I can paint I can sculpt things, I game a lot I sing I do a lot of photography in different categories have different friend groups I've moved loads of different houses in my life thanks to my parents so you could see where the inconsistencies are I'm constantly always doing something different and never stick into the same passion or hobby long enough for it to become anything I've done out full-time before the pandemic and photography as well that it was Wedding's for 10 years and slowly I've decided that university was more important so I was going to give up on that idea completely.

So you can see above the main word it is different what makes you different?

What sets you apart from the crowd? so even though you're not consistent what makes you you. What makes you interesting what hobbies do you have? How do you set yourself aside from others? Have you ever tried to write about your differences maybe you collect different sorts of rocks? Or maybe you can make dresses without even looking, Point is someone's current want to see it someone is going to want to read about it and how cool is that? But can you be consistent can you keep writing about the dress or can you keep finding different rocks! Everyone needs that sort of thing everyone needs clothes everyone needs landscapes everyone needs food everyone needs friendship so it's going to be a never-ending hobby that you can constantly pour and post onto others and while blogging is going to be a good way to express that you need to make sure that you are constantly posting again and again to get the results that you want to achieve!

Let's start from the beginning together if you found this blog then you are already one step ahead and already making friends so hi am Lauren nice to meet you let's do this journey together of being consistent and actually doing something that we are meant to be doing maybe write in your calendar that you want to do two posts week or maybe three posts week don't overdo yourself.

With any sort of hobby was that if you do it enough you end up seeing that that hobby is now a chore and it puts you off so have fun with the blog and have fun with the idea of writing and thinking of different ideas and pouring your heart out onto the Internet where others will read it and learn to love who you are now  I don't have the best grammar or the best words or advice or a lot really but hopefully, people be reading because I love the way that I am as a person you may not know the sound of my voice but I can guarantee you probably imagined it right I'm being consistent your read of the post and get a glance of what you think I would be like that as what I want to do for you as well I want to be able to imagine who you are be consistent with your post so I can figure out what adventures you are going on what sort of things do you like the colour blue or purple or yellow or maybe don't have a favourite colour at all

it's going to be a struggle but let's struggle together! 

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